Ethical Leadership
Strengthen ethical competencies in innovative teams and lead digital change processes

To speak to one of our ethicists, get in touch:
Jean-Daniel Strub
+41 79 638 75 62
Corporate Digital Responsibility
We support businesses, investors and nonprofit organizations in fulfilling their digital responsibility. On the basis of a Digital Responsibility Profile, we identify possible risk categories and areas with potential for improvement. We develop your CDR strategy and help you to build up the necessary CDR competencies.
Our offer: Corporate Digital Responsibility
Use Case (fr): Ethics in the Digitalisation Strategy of the City of Geneva
Project Management and Event Moderation
We facilitate complex innovative projects and events with an ethical dimension. We draw on our interdisciplinary network of players in the innovation environment, public policy and the digital civil society throughout Switzerland.
Use Case: Labels and Certifications for the Digital World
Use Case (DE): Das DigitalLabor on Tour durch die Schweiz
Trainings and Continuing Education
We support you in building up the necessary ethical competencies for the digital age in your organization. Our practice-based interactive educational training courses are tailored to your specific needs and topics and can be delivered in-house.
Our frequent topics:
- Data Ethics
- Fair AI – Ethics of Algorithms
- Corporate Digital Responsibility
- Ethical User Experience Design & Dark Patterns
- Trust & Innovation
- Ethics for Life Sciences
- Digital Ethics for Health Care
- Introduction to Innovation Ethics